Stuff I Didn’t Buy

Crazy Neighbor Lady Gardener Hat, circa 1940s.

Handblown glass mushroom set.

Pregnant Lady Figural Mug

60 Rustproof Needles in Crazy Great ’60s era packaging

“Dr. Hands” Teething Lotion
(I kind of regret passing on this, because I think it could have prompted Monteiro to start in on some assemblage work.)

Doll Head Collection

Topless Lady Boxer, Not for sale.

What have you restrained yourself from buying lately?

Sensible Shoes

I just ordered some flats, because I’ve walked holes in all my everyday shoes. The ones above are Kimchi Blue Asymmetrical Skimmers. They’re cheap, so I assume they will hurt me, but I’m taking a chance because of the cuteness.

I also ordered a pair of Tieks, which were recommended to me as the ultimate travel shoe by someone on Facebook (was it you, Lisa Kohara?). Because I am a miser when it comes to clothes, this is the most I’ve ever spent on a pair of shoes, but they look perfect for traveling. If they last, I may decide to always own a pair forever and ever amen. If they don’t last, I’m going to be pissed. *(Update: My Tieks arrived, and they are genius. Very solid, and compact, and great quality. Highly recommended. I could not be more excited to have found them.)

Have any sensible shoe favorites I should know about? Spill.

Momversation: Shopping

I’m officially Momversing again, after a brief hiatus so I could remain sane while furiously checking things off the Mighty Life List. This week, we’re talking about online shopping versus brick and mortar stores. Does the mall give you hives?

On a related note, you know what doesn’t taste nearly as good as I remember? Orange Julius. If you haven’t had one since you were a kid, keep those halcyon memories intact and maybe grab a Coke next time you’re at the mall.