Elsewhere: Mighty Junior

In The Pink

You bought her trucks, encouraged her to play in the mud, used gender-neutral pronouns. She announced that she was a princess and refused to wear anything but pink. Actually, she won’t even eat anything that isn’t pink.

It’s a phase, so why not indulge her a little? Where can you get some miniature pink surgical scrubs?

9 thoughts on “Elsewhere: Mighty Junior

  1. Mighty Maggie, I’ve been looking all over the place for some cute beach cover up items for my son, and there is none to be found! I loved this, (http://www.lepetitkids.com/petit-bateau-kids-clothes-shorty-61185.html), but am unsure on buying it for my son since he’s 14 mths (though on the small small end). Something like unto it. Can’t find a thing! Though as always, there is a boatload of cute girl items out there. Sigh. I’m hoping you girls at Mighty know of other places to look…Anyway – just a wish and a hope from little old me!


  2. very cute. My friend’s son, actually, is obsessed with purple and has decided that *he* is a very pretty princess who loves unicorns. I should send this her way 🙂


  3. Oh, cute!

    I have two boys, so I like to look at all this girly pink stuff and just smile at its sweetness. If I actually HAD a girl, though, I think I’d get all feminist and conflicted and weird about ‘pink! Barbie! Argh!”. But as it is, I just look at it and enjoy it. Thanks!


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