Twitter Giveaway: Broad Summit Giftbag

Update: And the winner is KASalomon! Thanks for playing everyone.

So! When we were pulling together gift bags for the Broad Summit we set one aside to give away, and it is magnificent.

This is a Twitter contest, and the theme is words you wish people would use more often. To enter follow @Maggie and send me a reply tweet with the word (or words) you love. You can include #lexicon if you want other people to be able to search on your answer, but that’s optional.

Here’s what’s up for grabs:


A huge, zip-top tote from Lands End. (Yours will not say Porter.)



Two Flickr Pro accounts. If you don’t already use it, Flickr is an excellent photo sharing service. (I use it to store all my photos.) Flickr also threw in a handy lens cloth that attaches to your camera strap.


An invitation and one-year subscription to Typekit, the new service that helps you use a variety of fun fonts online without having to serve them as images. Pretty! (You may remember that my husband is one of the founders, and that he is adorable.)


Chronicle Books threw in three of our favorite titles:

Apartment Therapy Presents by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan of

Listography Journal: Your Life in Lists by Lisa Nola of

And, appropriately enough, The Cheese Tasting Party Kit by Janet Fletcher

The folks at McSweeny’s provided:

Comedy by the Numbers, a compendium of 169 secrets of humor and popularity.

But wait! There’s more:

Fray Issue #1, Busted personal stories and original art compiled by Derek Powazek, creator of

A free six-month membership to Maghound Magazine Membership Service.

A Moment’s Peace, guided meditation CD by Elizabeth Irvine.

A three-pack of cutie notebooks courtesy of InStyle Magazine.

Bath and Body

DDF wanted to include some of their products, but they work better if they’re personalized, obviously. So if you win, I’ll send a note to DDF, and they’ll contact you with a quick skin care survey you can fill out to let them know your needs. Then they can send you a separate care package that you’ll actually use. Nice, right? I think so too.

Zicam put together a mini travel wellness kit that contains: Zicam Healty Z-ssentails with Echinacea, Zinc, and Vitamin C, a vanilla jasmine travel candle from Voluspa, green and white whole-leaf tea from Tea Forte (which is great tea, by the way), a mini Frais hand sanitizer, Birch Soaps gardenia solid perfume and cuticle balm, and Eos honeysuckle lip balm in a cute round package. Tuck it all into your dopp kit for your next trip.


Crazy good Ritual Roaster’s Helsar de Zarcero coffee beans from Costa Rica. Ritual Roasters is the coffee shop where I wrote my book (free WiFi!), and their coffee convinced me to give espresso a try. It tastes the way coffee beans smell. Purrr.

The aforementioned limited-edition Broad Summit print from 3 Fish Studios.


And of course, the epic felt earrings from Feisty Elle.

All that, plus a reusable red grocery tote from Toyota. I didn’t add it up, but I’m pretty sure this is a zillion dollar giveaway, possibly a jillion — I’m no mathematician.

For those of you scratching your heads over how to enter, here’s a more detailed how to: Go to Are you there? Good. Now! Follow me, @Maggie, and send me a tweet reply with the word (or words) you wish people would use more often. It’ll look something like these:

@Maggie Bangarang! #lexicon

@Maggie Fictional, used to describe something so awesome that it doesn’t seem real. #lexicon

I’ll pick a winner randomly from the tweet replys, and send him or her a direct message on Thursday. I’ll also update the top of this post to let everyone know who won. This is my first Twitter contest, so let’s see if it works.

Fingers crossed that you win, because you are a goodie. Thanks for reading.

29 thoughts on “Twitter Giveaway: Broad Summit Giftbag

  1. There is an entire book about LISTS? I have to say that you have really driven my listing to a place of personal empowerment. First you link over to Mondo Beyondo (which is basically blowing my mind) and NOW you show me a whole BOOK of other peoples lists? We’re not friends…but we so should be.


  2. Jillian! yay! You’re not the last 🙂 Somewhere in the universe we were non-tweeting specks for as long as we could be…and then Maggie had to go and do this…


  3. Oh my god I love this to pieces. Tweeted!
    Although, I have to check – is this context available to international people? I really hope so! (If I won I’d happily pay for the shipping if I needed to for that amazing goodie bag!)

    You rock at putting these things together Maggie 😀


  4. Argh, Maggie, how can you do this?! The contents of the bag look like the most fun EVER, but I am going to hold strong and stay off of Twitter. I might be the last 26-year-old, Jillian!


  5. Rachel, you’re the last 26-year-old not on Twitter, and I am the last 29-year-old, holding strong…though this gift bag is testing all my self-control! But still, this is an awesome start to my christmas list (i’ll try hard not to purchase them all for myself). Thanks Maggie!


  6. I think I did it- have been following you on Twitter for a while, but never reply to anything, so hope I did it right, because that gift bag is RIGHTEOUS!


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