Taste 1,000 Fruits: No. 71-73


Winter citrus! These are Mandarinquats, tiny Kishu Mandarins, and a Fremont Mandarin.


Kishu Mandarins are so wee that the segments are about half the size of a quarter.


They’re very sweet, with barely enough tang to feel like you’re actually eating citrus.


Fremont Mandarins tasted similar to the Kishus, but larger, with a brighter peel that would make lovely zest. Also, they have seeds.


I was most excited about the Mandarinquats, which are a Mandarin-Kumquat hybrid. They’re supposed to be similar to kumquats, which have a super sweet peel and tart fruit. Kumquats are about the size of grapes, so you just pop them in your mouth whole, and I love them.


I do not love Mandarinquats. They’re pretty, but the peel is nowhere near as sweet as a kumquat, which means you’re just eating an orange peel. But! If you’re a bartender who wants to make a kumquat drink, these would be less time consuming to juice I guess. Also pretty in floral arrangements?

Meh. Mandarinquat, you are no friend of mine.