Pregnancy Update: The Baby!

This is our good, smooshy baby Oslo Boon Ellis.

He is a sweetheart and we love him very much.

He was born last week at around 5 a.m., every finger and every toe accounted for.

He has his brother’s (and his papa’s) good-natured calm, and his mama’s affection for naps.

In other news on the home front, Hank made a rocket ship! A fast one.

As for me, this post will be the only thing I accomplish today that is not is some way related to my boobs.

28 thoughts on “Pregnancy Update: The Baby!

  1. Hooray! Welcome to the world Oslo! Everyone looks so incredibly happy 🙂 Wishing you all the best as you settle into life with your newly complete family. xoxo


  2. Congratulations to the four of you, and especially to Hank. Big brothering is serious business, the sort that befits a master rocket ship engineer.


  3. Maggie and Brad, what a beautiful family you have made! Hank (coincidentally a doppelgänger for my boy) is going to be the BEST big brother ever!


  4. Welcome to the world, Oslo! I was Hank’s age when my brother was born and we are very close. Congratulations all!


  5. Excellent work! Oslo has those wise old soul, fresh-from-the-other-side eyes. Congratulations! You have three hearty men in your life, I can attest that there is nothing better.


  6. Yay! OMG, so freakin cute.
    Hope you get to have lots of snuggles in between the insanity of all that comes with baby.


  7. Be still my heart. Warmest congrats to all of you. I can see you in him, Maggie — he’s precious. What strikes me most in this post is how deeply HAPPY you all look. How delighted. Joy is just emanating from you. Enjoy, enjoy. As a mother of a 5.5-year-old waiting to adopt a baby, it’s somehow very encouraging to see other families who have larger than typical age gaps between their little people. The pic of Hank + Oslo is gorgeous.


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