More Children’s Book Tattoos

Little Red Riding Hood

Winnie the Pooh

Shel Silverstein


Harriet the Spy

I cannot stop collecting these. If I were getting one, I think it would be the original cover for A Wrinkle in Time. What would you get?

Children’s Librarian Sleeve Tattoo

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Children’s Book Tattoos
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11 thoughts on “More Children’s Book Tattoos

  1. I’m a librarian, and I have a lifelong love of children’s (and adult) literature, but I never thought I wanted a literary tattoo until I saw that one up there of Harriet the Spy. OMG. Love.


  2. My grandmother, Catherine Stahlmann was a children’s book author, her most “famous” work being Bunny Blue. She was the absolute sweetest human being I will ever know, and her stories embody an innocent love for the world. So when she died at age 98 last fall, I was inspired to get a tattoo of Bunny Blue as a tribute to her and as a reminder of the joy of life embodied in her stories.


  3. It would be… unlikely that it is even possible to do. But. An image from The Twelve Dancing Princesses, as illustrated by Errol Le Cain. I spent many, many, many happy hours looking at the details of that wonderful edition of the book when I was a child. I bought a complete copy of it for [ridiculous] money recently, since it’s out of print and my copy has lost a page in the 30+ years I have had it. He was such an incredible illustrator. I wish his editions of stories would be reissued.


  4. A for apples, or R for ribbons, from On Market Street (or perhaps one of each?). Alternately, a rope-skipping Frances from Bread and Jam for Frances would be darling.


  5. I started what will probably end up being a literary half-sleeve. It’s a skeleton key with wings, my homage to Harry Potter. Next will probably be a Jan Brett illustration from her take on “The Owl and the Pussycat” or one of the Gashlycrumb Tinies.


  6. Not really children’s lit, but my next tattoo will be from Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five: Listen: tattooed under my left breast (at my heart, as in listen to my heart). I always felt such power in his use of such a simple word as “Listen: …” to start his paragraphs in that book. Also, it is a nod to is use of colons but NEVER semicolons (he called them “transvestite hermaphrodites representing absolutely nothing”).


  7. Also…. I would totally get the words “Further up and further in” from The Last Battle (the final book in The Chronicles of Narnia). (The full quote is beautiful: “I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now…Come further up, come further in!”


  8. I’ve always wanted a Chaucer quote as a tattoo. But if it were to be from a children’s book, it would be the peach from James and the Giant Peach being pulled by seagulls. That book is so, so dear to my heart.


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