15 Influential Design Blogs

Someone on Quora asked about the most influential design blogs, and many of the responses had to do with professional web and product design. I have a much more colloquial view of what it means to be a design blogger, so almost none of the blogs I consider influential were on the list. I added these with a notation that I wasn’t including fashion or wedding sites, which have some overlap in the community, especially because personal sites can be so tough to classify.

I’m defining “influential” as folks with large audiences (upwards of 10,000 visitors a day or so) with dedicated readers who really care about the information presented there.

Who am I forgetting?

DesignSponge founded by Grace Bonney
Home, DIY, entertaining, products

Design Milk founded by Jaime Derringer
Design magazine on art, architecture, home, fashion, tech

Swiss-Miss by Tina Roth Eisenberg
Professional designer and aesthete

Apartment Therapy founded by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan
Home design/products with sister sites for tech, green and kids as well

NOTCOT founded by Jean Aw
Products, fashion, tech lifestyle, with sister sites

Poppytalk by Jan and Earl (Husband/Wife)
DIY, Home, Handmade

Decor8 by Holly Becker

Oh Joy founded by Joy Deangdeelert Cho
Products, fashion, interiors, inspiration

SF Girl by Bay by Victoria Smith
Photography, interior design, product

Design for Mankind by Erin Loechner
Art, fashion, home

Not Martha by Megan Reardon
A one-woman consumer reports on a range of products

Oh Happy Day by Jordan Ferney
Entertaining, diy, stationery

Making it Lovely by Nicole Balch
Home, DIY

Design Mom by Gabrielle Blair
Designer who focuses on good design for parents and kids

A Cup of Jo by Joanna Goddard
Style, products, fashionable parenting

What design sites do you love that don’t seem to have large readerships yet? There’s so much professional-level content out there right now, it’s tough to keep up.

33 thoughts on “15 Influential Design Blogs

  1. doorsixteen.com. Already has a large following, but Anna is totally awesome and totally deserves to be on this list!


  2. I totally love Freshome.com …it’s a must for those of your who are addicted to interior design & architecture.


  3. I totally agree with the addition of designlovefest.com – bri is fantastic. Also creaturecomfortsblog.com, bloesem.blogs.com and annesage.com. And, just discovered eatdrinkchic.com which I’m loving.

    They are always inspiring, both in what they share and in their success. I can dream of one day having a similar reach, though I’m far too scattered — er, eclectic — in my tastes and persona to ever be able to drill down on such clear branding as the best design (and food and fashion and family) bloggers do. sigh. 😉


  4. These are great! Thanks so much for the list (and those with the follow up suggestions). New to the blog world, retired from architecture and ready to find joy (in lieu of immense, suffocating pressure) in design once again…

    I tip my hat to y’all.


  5. I get so overwhelmed with all of the beautiful things being created out there – it makes me feel like I will never keep up. Thank you for sharing this list – as if my reader wasn’t already bursting to the gills with fabulous blogs!


  6. indiefixx.com always has a variety of really inspiring and great ideas. It runs the gamut from cooking to designing to photography to business advice. I love it.


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