Let’s Do Something Good: Vaccinations

This post is inspired by Shot@Life, an initiative of the United Nations Foundation dedicated to using vaccines as a cost-effective way to save children’s lives in developing countries.

Hi guys, I need your help. This post is part of an online relay through the United Nation’s Shot at Life program. The goal is to get vaccines for kids who wouldn’t otherwise get them. For the month of August:

One Comment, One Share, or One Like = One Vaccine

By literally pushing some buttons we can protect kids against measles, pneumonia, diarrhea, and polio. During Shot@Life’s Blogust, several bloggers have been helping to secure sponsor donations. I’ve also been asked to share a quote that inspires me, so I decided on one that reminds me of you guys:

With your help, I’d like us to secure 1,000 vaccines. This feels like a reach, so will you help? Any one of these simple actions equals a vaccine:

– Leave a comment on this post about a good deed someone has done for you. Can you comment twice? Yes, yes you can.
Mr. T Baby on Instagram, click the heart.
Facebook, like, comment, or share.
Pinterest, repin the quote or heart it.
Twitter Jedi Baby!, Fave, reply, or RT, the latter being the gold star.
– Your megaphone: If you use the hastag #blogust or include @shotatlife to spread the word on any of your social accounts, each of those actions counts towards a vaccine too. (If you do that, please cc me in whatever medium so I can say thanks. You are my people.)

The push of a button potentially saves a life. We live in the future, my friends. Shot@Life hopes to generate funds for 50,000 vaccines, and there’s a counter on the site that currently reads 37,902. Let’s move that needle. As it were.

Thanks so much you guys. You are kind ones.


Wow. Thank you guys so much! Here and across social networks, we triggered over 1,000 donated vaccinations in a single day. Wow! Thank you, sweet people. You are pretty great.

There are more Blogust posts from friends over at The Spohrs are Multiplying, Petite Elefant, Justice Fergie Moma’s Gone City, Whiskey in My Sippy Cup, My Brown Baby, Cool Mom Picks, and Mom it Forward. We have until August 31. Thanks again.

42 thoughts on “Let’s Do Something Good: Vaccinations

  1. I love this initiative to get kids vaccinated and I LOVE the Amy Poehler quote. We need less negativity and complaining and more people doing good things.

    Last year, I lost my baby son Wendell to stillbirth at 28 weeks. I was overwhelmed with seeing how the goodness in people came flooding out at a time when me and my family were prostrated by grief. Something as small as an email or text letting us know we were loved and supported made such a difference. I had a close friend who made sure to check in on me at the monthly anniversary of Wendell’s birth to see how I was holding up. It made me realize that it doesn’t take much effort to do something kind for someone else.


  2. Also because you said yes to commenting twice 🙂 — we’ve got great neighbors who share their farm goodies with us and we share with them when we’ve got extra of something. A couple weeks ago I got eggs from them when we ran out and when we had an extra half of a huge watermelon we took it to them to enjoy since it was too much for us to eat. It feels equally good to be on the receiving end of such generosity as it does to be on the giving end of it!


  3. A few months ago I ran a half marathon that I wasn’t particularly prepared for. I was at a really difficult time in my life and just hadn’t trained like I’d planned. I almost bailed on the day but decided to give it a go. A dear friend ran the whole race with me at my (slow) pace, and encouraged me for every step. As we crossed the finish line together I felt so proud and so grateful for her kindness!


  4. my last day working with some incredible people was last Friday. it was a busy day, and I had been denying myself the emotional processing and, let’s be honest, breakdown I so needed. as I was rushing around packing the last bits of the office, I started receiving emails from my colleagues, one more tender and warm than the next. I felt loved and happy, even in the midst of a very sad set of circumstances. people are the best.


  5. One time this blogger who I love following gave me the chance to vaccinate a needy child by clicking a few buttons on my keyboard. That was pretty fucking awesome. Thanks, Maggie!


  6. Another example of nice-doing…. my colleague trusted me with how she really felt, asking for my help and letting me to be her sounding board. I encouraged her to speak up and I did so as well in her support in a meeting at work. We both felt so much better afterwards. Yay for work friendships.


  7. My father in law planted (and maintains) 19 tomato plants because my son loves to pick and eat them (and I have a black thumb).


  8. Before my parents relocated from NY to Florida my father, knowing how very sad I was, dug up my two favorite roses, one of which was grown from a shoot off my great-great-great-great grandmother’s wild rose bush and moved them both to my house. Not only was it a beautiful gesture on its own, I found out he kept digging even when he encountered a hornets’ ground nest and got stung over twenty times. That? Is love.


  9. Kristen, I’m so sorry to hear about your Wendell. And I agree that giving feels as good as getting — that’s the real joy of community!


  10. I volunteered this past weekend to collect school supplies at a local grocery store. I couldn’t say thank you enough to the people that gave.
    Thanks for participating in the campaign, and I hope you make it to 1000!


  11. As a healthcare provider this is near and dear to my heart! So glad you are doing this!

    I had my daughter earlier in the summer and I am blown away at the moms who are old friends who have come out of the woodwork to offer support. It’s a pretty amazing community that I seemed to have joined.

    Incidentally, I was a Camp Mighty attendee, and one of my goals was to make up my mind about yes/no children. Guess I can check that item off the list…


  12. A few weeks ago I left my phone in a NYC cab. The next rider found my email address, let me know right away that he had my phone, and met up with me the next day to return it. I was grateful!


  13. I certainly agree with the sentiment expressed in that quote … thanks for sharing it and for supporting SHOT @ LIFE by participating in BLOGUST 2015 … you are definitely a DO’ER!


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