I Love You, Nerd Valentine: Top 10 Valentines for Geeks

You threw an awkward glance his way because his glasses were cute. He thinks your neck smells like you might be a compatible genetic match. You enjoy Mythbusters, he enjoys Mythbusters. And while Valentine’s Day is ultimately a commercial construct, you’re not above engaging ironically if it means getting laid later.

1. Dr. Who Valentine

2. Space Invader Valentine

3. Pride and Prejudice Valentine

4. Princess Leia Valentine

5. Legend of Zelda Valentine

6. Periodic Table Valentine

7. Eye Chart Valentine

8. Genetic Predisposition Drosophilia Valentine

9. Buckminster Fuller Valentine

10. I Love You With All My Brain Valentine

Also check out:
More Nerd Valentines on my Pinterest Board
Nerds in Love: Ten More Valentines for Geeks

10 thoughts on “I Love You, Nerd Valentine: Top 10 Valentines for Geeks

  1. Love these! My sister and her hubby are huge nerds (I referenced Lord of the Rings in my wedding toast and it was a HIT) so I am sending them this…or maybe just him…hmmm.


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