180 Things to Be Happy About

180 Things to Be Happy About | Mighty Girl

Our Mighty Happy Giveaway Contest generated so many awesome and uplifting responses, it seemed unfair to highlight only the winners. Here, then, are 180 happy things, suggested by you guys. They made me happy, too.

1. The sound of my children making each other laugh. (Sabrina)

2. Being the first person to wake up on a weekend and sitting on the couch reading, waiting for the day to start. (Catherine)

3. Long conversations with my sister. (Jasmine)

4. Photo booths. (Shannon)

5. When someone likes something I’m wearing. (Kristin)

6. Discovering a beautiful thing in an unexpected place in an unexpected moment. (Amy)

7. Seeing old friends and realizing only after the rush of catching up that it’s like no time has passed and I love them just as much as ever. (Amy)

8. The moments when I realize there’s nowhere I’d rather be than where I am right then. (Samantha)

9. Hugs from a wet-from-the-pool four-year-old. (Cass)

10. Tears — sometimes the other side of them bring the best kind of happy (Cass)

11. The sparkle in my son’s eye when he’s telling a funny story. (Corri)

12. Sitting by a lake under the stars. (Meg)

13. The smell and feel of old books as I’m browsing my local book store. (Kami)

14. The feeling you get when in the ocean, just bouncing along with gentle waves. (Joanne)

15. The movie theater in town that plays independent films and serves beer. (Elizabeth)

16. Coming home from a trip. (Jana)

17. Jumping with the children on the trampoline we’ve got in the garden. (Mette)

18. The smell of the earth when it first starts to rain. (Amanda)

19. Feeding my friends food that I’ve cooked. (Vivian)

20. Being a traveler totally anonymous in a foreign country. (Morgan)

21. The feel of very old, somewhat transparent vintage t-shirts. (Abby)

22. Kneading bread dough. (Heather)

23. Music playing in the background. (Allisone)

24. Being barefoot in the kitchen, sipping wine, and cooking dinner. (Ginny)

25. Getting into a made bed at night. (Samantha)

26. Completing challenging tasks. That makes me feel bullet-proof! (Samantha)

27. Eating the first cookie, slice of bread, etc. that I pull out of the oven. (Hanna)

28. Songs that tell a story. (Karen)

29. In the moment when you realize an inside joke has been created. (Ginny)

30. Watching an Oklahoma sunset. (Penny)

31. When my husband and I suddenly catch each other’s eyes – amidst laundry, tired children, mess and long lists of to dos – smile, and kiss. (Mette)

32. When I come across something in my late father’s handwriting. (Tami)

33. Sharing dessert. (Tami)

34. Seeing my husband’s face light up just as much as the baby’s when they see each other. (Nestra)

35. That my daughter has to give the dog a kiss goodnight and the dog sleeps in front of her door. (Alicia)

36. When my husband gets into bed way later than me and inadvertently wakes me up by cuddling. (Hope)

37. The questions my five-year-old asks friendly strangers on the train. (Finding Magnolia)

38. Passport, travel documents, and a neatly packed bag – ready to head out the door. (Amy)

39. Falling asleep outdoors with the sun on my face. (Kate)

40. A slightly cool breeze coming off the river that hints at fall ahead. (Pseudostoops)

41. Seeing how confident and brave my 14-year-old daughter is. (Rochelle)

42. When I get to spend a whole day with my mum. (Angy)

43. Sitting on the front steps of my house in Capitol Hill, reading a book, drinking a glass of wine, and watching the neighborhood go by. (Rachel)

44. Watching my daughter carry around a Patty O’Green doll from the 1980s like it’s the hottest toy ever. (Marti)

45. Being able to spend an entire day reading favorite books. (Cynthia)

46. Those conversations with strangers in which the walls seem to fall away. (Morgan)

47. Seeing my husband read to my girls. (Famous Amy)

48. New paints, clean brushes, and an empty canvas. (Emily)

49. Deep roasted black coffee. (MDJ)

50. Remembering to buy myself flowers. (Sarah)

51. Strawberry season. (Erin)

52. Meandering conversations with my thirteen-year-old son. (Lisa)

53. Nighttime play dates — kids in the yard, adults on the deck. (Amy Beth)

54. Listening to my husband play the guitar. (Violeta)

55. Hugging my son when I pick him up from school. (Melissa)

56. Listening to music outdoors. (Katie)

57. A long chat with an old friend. (Erin)

58. Sitting on my 11-year-old daughter’s bed, next to her, as she chatters on about her most important things. (Linny)

59. Sitting at long table filled with great food and fantastic friends, and you suddenly realize just how lucky you are. (Patsy)

60. When my boyfriend anchors my feet with his feet, wraps his arms tight around me, and kisses the top of my head, with my face buried in his chest. (Janelle)

61. Coming downstairs in the morning to a clean house. (Dutch)

62. Deer trimming my blackberries for me, so I won’t have to. (Guinevere)

63. Hymns of my childhood. (Guinevere)

64. Being in the middle of really good book and being excited about how much there still is to go. (Candice)

65. The moments when I realize there’s nowhere I’d rather be than where I am right then. (Samantha)

66. The amazing woman in my life who catch me when I fall. (Rhiannon)

67. Buying my new planner in January and filling it in with birthdays and special events for the year ahead. (CP)

68. Homemade waffles on a Saturday morning at 11 am. (Christine)

69. Lifting someone up. Whether from complimenting them on their awesomeness or empowering them to try something new. (Kristen)

70. An email from the public library, telling me my requested books have arrived and are ready for me to pick up. (Nicole)

71. Fresh-cut zinnias from my garden. (Sassafrass Mama)

72. Being in Yosemite and seeing the valley from Tunnel View, which reminds me just how small my life is in comparison to the world, and gives me instant perspective. (Stephanie)

73. Riding my Vespa. (Cindy)

74. The laughter of women in a group. (Katie)

75. My son getting off the plane when he comes home from university. (Also his younger brother’s happy face when he sees his older brother). (Cass)

76. The rush of adrenaline at that moment on a run when a good song comes on my iPod. (Kate)

77. Finally having a job I love. (Lydia)

78. Sitting around with family after dinner on the deck outside, talking and laughing, with no one wanting to pack up and go home. (Leah)

79. Watching mass group hugs, like when a team wins the World Series. (Alyssa)

80. A day that is 78, calm and sunny. (Nicole)

81. Hearing the people I love laugh. (Karen)

82. Kids hugging babies. (Flora)

83. Fresh tomatoes from the garden. (Hilary)

84. A day alone in a new city with my camera. (Amy)

85. Planning a trip somewhere I’ve never been. (Erin)

86. Those moments in life, occasionally, where everything just seems right and crystallizes into a memory right as you watch. (Becky)

87. Riding my bike down the tree-lined streets of my neighborhood, seeing how long I can balance at stoplights. (M)

88. Spontaneous dance parties with my (brand! new!) husband. (M)

89. Swimming in my lake. (Heather)

90. The way my boyfriend and I can look at each other and know the other is thinking “ice cream.” (Kristen)

91. Arriving in a new place at the start of a long vacation. (Aimee)

92. Too much wine at dinner with new friends. (Rachel)

93. Blueberry season. (Rachel)

94. Looking at pictures of my best friend’s new baby. (Andi)

95. When one of my children says something unexpected and unintentionally hilarious. (Nicole)

96. My husband and I communicating something to one another that no one else gets. (Jodes)

97. Dandelions. (Amanda)

98. The constant sound of simultaneous awe, love and contentment in my sister’s voice since the birth of my niece. (Annette)

99. Walking in the woods with a light breeze. (Leah)

100. Dream decorating my new apartment. (Laura)

101. The first green points peeking through the dirt in spring, and the first turning leaves in the fall. (Casey)

102. A table-full of friends bursting into laughter. (Desiree)

103. Swimming in a pond with my dog. (Ariel)

104. Clean surfaces. (Kim)

105. The way my four-year-old son’s hair smells after his bath. (Becky)

106. My husband’s accent. (Becky)

107. How music can make me cry and laugh and feel so deeply. (Becky)

108. Cuddling in any form. (Mandy)

109. Embarking on a new project. (Andrea)

110. Riding on a scooter around New Orleans with my husband. (MacKensie)

111. My little cousins and the letters they write me. (Rachael)

112. Tomatoes and avocados on sourdough bread. (Rachael)

113. The way my dogs are freak-out-happy to see me when I get home from work. (Nancy)

114. When my daughter tells me her brother is her best friend. (Beks)

115. Eating apricots straight from the tree. (Laura)

116. Reading under a shady tree. (Danielle)

117. Hiking near wildflowers. (Tiff)

118. The Internet that connects me to the wider world. (Crystal)

119. A good sweaty run. (Marissa)

120. A semi-toothless grin. (Sarah)

121. Men with crinkle-eyes when they smile. (Stephanie)

122. Suntan lines on my feet. (Jodi)

123. Remembering to look up: trees, sunset, stars, sky … (Meghan)

124. Crossing things off. (Michelle)

125. My little nephew calling to say hello. (Michelle)

126. Long walks through the woods in the fall. (Sue)

127. Pushing myself past what I think are my limits. (Rachel)

128. A healthy, delicious dinner made at home. (Heather)

129. When someone else makes coffee in the morning. (Michelle)

130. Crawling into a freshly made bed. (Erin)

131. When my three-year-old calls my six-month-old honey and sweetie. (Hope)

132. Spending a day in the kitchen cooking with all the windows open. (Sarah)

133. The third lap in the pool. (Mai)

134. Biking in the sun. (Mai)

135. Biting into a ripe homegrown tomato. (Trish)

136. Holding hands and seeing others doing the same. (Kristen)

137. When you get home right before the rain starts. (Wan)

138. The rush of endorphins toward the end of kickboxing class. (Nicole)

139. The smell of the tent when we unfold it. (Shelly)

140. Using the china that was given to me on my wedding day by my mother, which was her mother’s, which was her mother’s. (Megan)

141. Opening the windows when it starts raining. (Megan)

142. Listening to my 88-year-old grandmother telling me how my grandfather proposed. (Heather)

143. A shiny-clean kitchen floor. (Louise)

144. An unexpected surprise — and planning an unexpected surprise. (Louise)

145. Climbing into a bed made up with fresh sheets and lots of pillows at the end of the day. (Lisa)

146. Fireflies. (Maileen)

147. Honey-mint iced tea. (Sonya)

148. The moments leading up to a kiss. (Ats)

149. Smiles, knowing looks, and general understanding with strangers whom you may or may not speak to and may or may not see again. (SWAK)

150. Eating healthier and feeling better as a result. (Sarah)

151. Belly laughs. (Rhonda)

152. When my son wears his superhero cape to the grocery store. (Sarah

153. That first real exhale after sex. (Maya)

154. Making my mother proud. (Ingrid)

155. The Sunday paper. (Carla)

156. Living in NYC. (Lauren)

157. Little kids when they’re learning to talk. (Danielle)

158. When I come across something in my late father’s handwriting. (Tami)

159. The way I feel after exercise. (April)

160. That my daughter has to give the dog a kiss goodnight and the dog sleeps in front of her door. (Alicia)

161. Fresh lemonade. (Claire)

162. When friends from different circles of my life become friends with each other. (Annabanana)

163. When light turns golden at the end of the day. (Gabi)

164. Rainbow sprinkles. (Heather)

165. Using treasured postcards as bookmarks. (Christy)

166. Being good at what I do. (Hita)

167. My kids when they first get out of bed, all sleepy and snugly with wild hair. (mk)

168. Old things: Buildings, books, people … (April)

169. Taking off my bra at the end of a long day. (C)

170. Receiving handwritten letters from my grandfather. (Jan)

171. Wearing my (long distance) boyfriend’s clothes. (Elise)

172. My kid singing her heart out (to a thirty-year-old song.) (Marla)

173. Looking forward to date night. (Alison)

174. Bright colors. (Meredith)

175. Tropical scented anything. (Victoria)

176. Laughing by a campfire with friends and family (Genevieve)

177. Forehead kisses. (Kristin)

178. Being in an airport. (Megan)

179. Watching the sun set through trees from a hammock. (Lauren)

180. When I make a little list of the things I am grateful for. (Heather)

17 thoughts on “180 Things to Be Happy About

  1. It didn’t make the list, but the song of a meadowlark in the morning will always make me smile! And perhaps that’s the key .,. once you know what makes you happy, no one can take that away from you!


  2. Maggie, now you need to make an “actions” list to spread more joy around to go with this. i.e. in response to 5. When someone likes what I’m wearing (Kristin) – Action: Tell people you like what they’re wearing! or in response to 19. Feeding my friends food that I’ve cooked (Vivian) – Action: Have more dinners with friends!


  3. After reading everyone’s contest entries, I have a serious jonesin’ for LOTS of new sheets. I think at least 50 people posted about the happiness that accompanies fresh, new linens.

    I’m happy that we all have our happy places and we’re not afraid to share our happiness with others.


  4. I can’t even articulate how much I love this post and how much I needed to read it today. I love your blog and have been reading it for 3 or 4 years but this post really spoke to me tonight. Jesus Murphy…we all really need to slow down and think about these simple, important moments that comprise the recipe to what we are. Thanks Maggie.


  5. this was so nice to read and to be reminded to be grateful and thankful and mostly to be present…because all of these little bits of happiness were realized in a moment of “presentness” 🙂


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