Mighty Thirst: Sassy Lassi

Sassy Lassi | Mighty Girl

Were you ever watching So You Think You Can Dance, when you thought to yourself, “I need a signature cocktail to get me through this Bollywood routine.” Friend, I’ve got your back.

Sassy Lassi serves 3
• 6 oz mangos
• ½ cup coconut water
• 4 ice cubes
• 6 oz plain yogurt
• 3 shots Kraken rum
• Pistachios to garnish (These are good and crunchy. Do not skip them.)

Put everything in a blender except the pistachios and mix it up. Garnish and enjoy.

AB Chao is still in town, so here’s to Louisiana Iced Coffee in the sun, dancing around in your swimsuit, and sneaking smokes. What are you toasting this week?

6 thoughts on “Mighty Thirst: Sassy Lassi

  1. Have you come into a glut of coconut water and kraken? (Not the worst thing that can happen to you, I guess!)
    I personally dislike coconut water, but I can vouch for a combination of Kraken rum and raspberry lemonade as being a pretty darn tasty libation. 🙂


  2. The family drink of choice recently has been fresh peach smoothies. Blend peaches, vanilla bean coconut milk ice cream (life saver for the milk-intolerant!), some coconut milk, ice cubes, and serve! You can throw in a mango or some strawberries, too if you’re a wild child. 🙂

    This week I am celebrating the fact that some of my hearing has returned in my right ear. Yay! (was diagnosed with Sudden Hearing Loss on Friday the 13th. FUN!)


  3. If I may make a suggestion, use Mango pulp instead of fresh mangoes. Usually I am all about the fresh fruit but this pulp is made from Alphonso mangoes which are very hard to find here and really what good mangoes should taste like (yes I’m biased, I’m Indian:)
    We made a fantastic Mango/Ginger/Rum drink with the pulp recently.
    You can find the pulp in Indian stores or Amazon.


  4. Exes getting married and accepting all the positive and negative feelings that come along with that. Also, summer flings and girlfriend time. Loving, loving, loving the cocktail recipes!


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