The Oprah Gratitude Project

I’m watching the finale as I type this. Thanks for playing, team. A few of my favorite lessons learned from the Oprah Winfrey Show in the last 25 years:

“Doubt means don’t.” -Sarah

“I learned, then re-learned, then learned again to believe that when people show you who they are, believe them.” -Michelle K.

“We teach others how we want to be treated.” -Roxanne

“You can be right or you can have peace.” -AEB

“Being a good mom means taking care of yourself too.” -Allie

“Never let them take you the second location.” -Megan

“Always sign your own checks.” -Sugarleg

“A person who does not accept your “no” is trying to control you.” -DEA

“As a parent to one child, it was easier. Whenever Peanut walked (or crawled or toddled) into the room, I stopped what I was doing and said, “Look who’s here!” or something equally as inviting.” -Woven Moments

“If you don’t listen to the whisper it will show up again as a scream.” -Allie

If you still want to play along, tell us what Oprah means to you:

– Post your photo to the Thanks, Oprah! Flickr Group.
– Tweet your photo with the hashtag #thanksoprah.
-Leave a something you learned from the Oprah Winfrey Show in comments.

20 thoughts on “The Oprah Gratitude Project

  1. It’s so funny. When you started this project, I thought, I have only watched Oprah a few times and not in years. I like the project, but I don’t have anything to add. And then, right away, two things I learned from Oprah popped into my head:
    Never let them take you to the second location (as Megan stated above).
    and Buy new pillows every 3 years.
    Goes to show just how much influence Oprah has!


  2. Hah, my mother has been telling me “When people show you who they are, believe them” for at least a decade now. I almost posted it here, and then saw it above. It’s probably the best advice I’ve ever been given.


  3. ‘The point is, I was a child. If I took off all my clothes and got into his bed, he would still be the one responsible.’
    Those words changed how I evaluated my experience, myself.


  4. This looks so beautiful! Well done Mighty Girl! I believe you are using your passion and your light to shine on others, Oprah would be so proud!


  5. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an episode of Oprah. I’m not sure it’s on TV in the UK, and I barely watch TV anyway so even if it is, I probably missed it. But she sounds great, and really inspiring. Thank you. I’ll go and google for a book.


  6. Thanks for this Maggie. Reading these quotes from the flickr group and around the internet helped me deal with something difficult last week.


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