Fridaaaay, Links!


Let’s all live in Muji Huts and have tea together in the yard.

Have you used the new Pinterest-like feature on Instagram? It lets you categorize your Instagram bookmarks into boards. They’re private for now, but I assume the option to make them public is coming.

Pretty disposable water bottle design.

5 Ways to Teach Kids About Consent is simple, useful parenting advice.

“The 25 Most Useful French Phrases I Learned While Studying in France”

Sweet gift for a writer.

Jimmy Fallon hosted some robots on The Tonight Show. Sophia at 2:30 is chilling and magical. via Laughing Squid

Good tool if you’re feeling anxious: The Catastrophe Checklist (20-30 seconds)

Side eye at this coat that functions as an extra suitcase. The poor flight attendants who have to assess your threat level when you’re walking like you have a bunch of electronic equipment inside your clothes. Nope.

Who does this little girl grow up to be? Gah! Babies, you’re the best.

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