9 thoughts on “We are Writing Graffiti on Our Bodies

  1. I totally have that, too! I remember being able to write things on my legs as a kid and thought everyone could do it. I didn’t learn until last year that that’s not the case.

    I have a rather large tattoo on my back that, when my skin is irritated, I can feel where the ink is due to the dermatographia.


  2. She’s lucky it’s painless! I have a colleague who has that condition, and for her it involved such incredible itching before they diagnosed her that she was borderline suicidal.


  3. interesting. and dare i admit it? also a bit creepy. I have mild dermatographia. Nothing as bold as what this girl can do. All of my tattoos are nearly constantly raised and tangible. When I have a bandaid, it causes the skin to swelland raise where ever the tape touches. but, I can’t even imagine aggravating it on purpose. Seems a little self-destructive maybe. I am probably looking at it wrong.


  4. I have that! I thought I was the only one. Leave it to someone else to come up with a non- embarrassing way to make this “affliction” cool…


  5. I have Dermatographia. For the most part I don’t remember I have it until I scratch. Then I feel like I’m walking around with a huge bulls eye where I just scratched. The skin gets raised and red, just like the artists’. The worst part is the itchiness. Most of the time I want to scrap my skin off. The odd part is that I developed this about 3 years ago. I guess I’m lucky I didn’t have it as a kid, or I’d be skinless by now.


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