Three Smart Things

Gah! I have so much to tell you, but no time. A few things you should read in the meantime:

The Trephine got rid of everything that didn’t fit in her car: “All I can tell you is that I, personally, as an individual, was deeply unsatisfied with the way things were. I spent far too much of my time dusting my crap, arranging my crap, painting my crap, finding more crap I needed to go with my other crap, and suffering under the illusion that I would feel fulfilled and satisfied and happy just as soon as my life looked like something out of a Pottery Barn catalog and I were wearing the right pair of ballet flats and the most whimsical brooch.” (via Sarah Brown)

Tina Fey’s A Mother’s Prayer for Her Child: “And when she one day turns on me and calls me a Bitch in front of Hollister, Give me the strength, Lord, to yank her directly into a cab in front of her friends, For I will not have that Shit. I will not have it.”

The Thingist’s Nerds, We Need to Have a Talk, “My fellow nerds, geeks, hackers, designers, makers, builders, and DIYers, there is something very very wrong with out culture right now. We’re jackasses to one another.” (via Tim Ferris)

How about you? What have you been reading that we should be reading? See you later this afternoon.

Refraining from sending Ke$ha my teeth,

19 thoughts on “Three Smart Things

  1. I have been reading MFK Fisher’s The Art of Eating, the old-fashioned way (in real paper book form). It’s wonderful and fascinating if you: profoundly love good food; are interested in WWII era cooking and eating habits; are interested in food history dating back to the Greeks and Romans; harbor nostalgia for California and Europe in the years long before you were born; or want to engage with a thoughtful and clever writer who knows that our feelings about food are so much more than our feelings about food. Also, her prose has a friendliness and intimacy that feels bloggish.


  2. Jen Lancaster’s new book “If You Were Here”

    Who could say no to buying Jake Ryan’s house? Even if there are termites, toilets in every color of the rainbow, and ridiculous neighbors? Everyone that watches HGTV knows that anyone can do basic home remodeling!

    Or not…


  3. Agree that you need to read all of Bossypants (the Mother’s Prayer is an excerpt). Awesome. Smart. Funny. Only problem is it makes you forget that Tina Fey is a famous TV star who probably wouldn’t give you the time of day and not your best friend or favorite coworker.


  4. I have that same feeling as TheTrephine: “I sincerely doubt that on their deathbeds, many people’s last words are, “I should have bought more stuff with sparrows on it. Oh, and that rug in the CB2 catalo—glaaaargh!” Thanks for that link!


  5. I recently read, and fell in love with aka will buy a copy of, Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon. Published in the early ’80s—He traveled the country on “blue highways” through rural parts of the US and talked to everyday people (many photos in the book) and also provides some history/context for the places he visited. It was an inspiring and entertaining read.


  6. Just Kids by Patti Smith, I highly recommend it.

    Also, not so much reading but looking at Lena Corwin’s book called Maps, very lovely work.

    Love your blog Maggie! You are awesome!


  7. I’m re-reading the Game of Thrones books by George R.R. Martin in honour of the fantastic HBO series. Such a delicious mix of intrigue, insurrection, and a little bit of inbreeding. Who could ask for anything more?

    Also! I loved Tina Fey’s Prayer for a Daughter so much that I wrote a version for my son:

    Thanks for rounding up those links – I’m no programmer, but I loved that Nerds, We Need To Have A Talk post.


  8. Thanks for linking to The Trephine! I just found that, and let me say it made my Monday. Hey, it has to be the small things in life, right? And now I know what to do with all my stuff!


  9. please don’t laugh, considering you’ve clearly stated your lack of time, but if you have not, please read “Freedom” by Jonathan Franzen. I had to slow down at one point because I was sneak reading it, but then didn’t want it to end.


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