Easter Cakes Baked in Egg Shells


For Easter, I decided I wanted to make these awesome cakes baked in egg shells.


I find them pretty magical, and fairly easy to make, if a little tedious. Then again, we did make a lot of them.


I tweaked the recipe a bit because I couldn’t find any egg nog, and I also wanted lemon cakes. The differences between my cakes and the cakes in the recipe are as follows:

-Doubled the recipe.
-Added low-fat buttermilk instead of egg nog. (Whole fat would have worked better, but the store didn’t have it.)
-Added juice of one Meyer Lemon.
-Added lemon zest of two Meyer Lemons for flavor.
-Forgot to oil the insides of the shells.


If you don’t feel like making cake from scratch, a cake mix would probably work just fine. In conclusion, cake in egg shells kicks ass. Happy Easter!


25 thoughts on “Easter Cakes Baked in Egg Shells

  1. WOW, I’m highly impressed. I would have needed some wine to deal with all of that fragility and repetition, and because of the wine I probably would have broken most of the eggs and gotten the cake batter all over the place. You are superwoman.
    House of Jules


  2. Umm, so what did you do with all the eggs? I hope you made a big fritatta or something.

    Very cool! What would really be neat is if there was a way to dye the outsides of the eggs before baking. I guess one could use speckled eggs.


  3. O My freakin’gawd those little cakes are awesome!
    You really should submit that first photo to tastespotting.com
    Your kids will not forget this. Good mom. Bravo.


  4. These. Are. Awesome.

    I wonder if you could use a turkey baster to fill the eggs instead of the plastic bag. I don’t think I’m coordinated enough to stop the batter with my finger. I’d get all excited and, um, yeah…


  5. Sometimes, when I visit your blog, I have an incredibly politically incorrect sensation of passing by, if there were such a thing, on the mom, wife and woman short bus.

    You are incredible. And I am just a callous, boxed cake buying ass.


  6. Very chic… and thanks for sharing it with us so the rest of us can take a stab at being cool like you next year. 😉


  7. So lovely and delicate! I’m going to try to convince my partner that we should use these as wedding cake—the thought everyone we love cracking the shells and laughing is making me smile.


  8. re your allergies: it’s totally caffiene. same thing happened to me but it also involved metal so when i would drink coffee or tea and had my wedding rings on my finger developed a lovely set of hives around it like i was allergic to marriage. i just drink caffiene at home in plain cotton now and it’s not so bad and use eucerin lotion. good luck…


  9. What the-? These are so cool. Like Eliza commented, I don’t think there’s such a thing as whole-fat buttermilk. Just buttermilk.


  10. you are so cool!… i can’t wait to give these a try and i don’t even care that the holiday has already passed 😉 thanks for sharing


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