The Hits Just Keep on Coming

I have a bowl of ice cream, but find myself still hungry. I go into the kitchen to see what else I feel like. I’m searching through the fridge, looking for something tasty. Hmmm. Ooooo! Pickles!

I am halfway through the jar of pickles before I realize what I’m doing. Ice cream and pickles? Seriously? Do I count as a walking cliche if I don’t actually use the ice cream as a dip for the pickles?

I guess what I’m trying to say is, we’re having a baby. A little, tiny baby, which will be far cuter and will smell even better than all other babies available on the market today.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but lately? Things have been going just great.

138 thoughts on “The Hits Just Keep on Coming

  1. I’m wondering if you got knocked up in Iceland. You know, the magic of that blue lagoon, the sexiness of the resulting hairstyle…
    Anyway, congrats!


  2. CONGRATULATIONS! Ooooh, the powerful cuteness will be tough to endure.

    Now I fully expect to see iced pickles on MightyGoods.



  3. when i was pregnant, it was jalapenos. on everything. bean and cheese burritos with LOTS of jalapenos!

    congratulations and good luck! my son turns 1 tomorrow — it’s been an awesome first year! welcome to the fold.


  4. I was wondering when this news would be here! Part of me is secretly joyous that you told me IN PERSON. How blissfully sweet for your family.

    If it’s a black child, remember… it’s mine. My redhead will be sent to you in the swap.

    That’s a total deal for you. He’s pottytrained already and can fix a mean PB&J.


  5. ahaha– when i first started reading this post, i thought, “maggie mason, no one cares what you ate as a snack!” but then i kept reading.

    as homer simpson would say: congratumalations!


  6. Congrats to you both! It was great to meet you this weekend! I can’t believe you made the pregnancy announcement before I could alert Valleywag. Darn!



  7. Saw you devouring watermelon via Dooce’s site and while I agree it is so awesome when you’re with bebe (like me – week 24), I just had to share my fave snack with you: Salt and Vinegar chips with a nice big lemonade. Try it, you’ll like it! Congrats on the wee one!


  8. Congratulations! In my opinion, which is of course extra reliable because I don’t have any children myself, kids raised by parents who are both witty AND goofy turn out the best. Your offspring is/are already off to a good start.


  9. Congratulations! We just brung home a second one (four days ago) because the smell technology has come so far in just three years that the old one was obsolete. I doubt they’ll actually IMPROVE on this one, but yours will doubtless have a very pleasing scent. Best of luck!


  10. So, Are you & Bryan going to have a naming contest here? Or at least give your readers a chance to narrow down the choices?

    Sounds dangerous, yet exciting, no?


  11. It was nice meeting you at BlogHer, I’ve been reading your site for ages. I’m so happy for you and your husband. Having a baby is the best! Enjoy your pregnancy πŸ™‚


  12. Congratulations! Let me know if you need a small army of mommybloggers to come help you eat ice cream and decorate the nursery. While swearing like sailors. You know… the life of a mom!


  13. I’m sure your new baby will smell a whole lot better than my old baby.

    8 year olds smell like 3rd grade.



  14. Sorry I missed congratulating! in person this past weekend at BlogHer. You appeared to be one busy (soon-to-be) mother. ; ) Happy! Pregnancy!


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