Mighty Girl’s Quince

This month marks 15 years I’ve been posting here at Mighty Girl!

I found out about blogging because I was an Associate Editor at Web Techniques Magazine, and someone wrote a sidebar about a Web app called Blogger. When I started, this was a Geocities site with no photos, no name attached (because who knows what dangers lurk on the Interwebs), and mostly tweet-length posts. A link in Jason Kottke’s blogroll crashed my site, so I got my own domain.

Many years before Ev founded Twitter, our magazine paid for a server so his service Blogger could keep existing. Most of the editors had blogs hosted on Blogger, and their eventual acquisition by Google was distant on the horizon.

Then came Flickr, and Facebook, and Twitter, and Tumblr, Instagram, and Snapchat, and Pinterest — all the fun places that make it a little less worthwhile to host your own site.

But fifteen years later, this little URL is still such a nice place to be. I’ve met so many of you through Mighty Girl, and there are even more of you I’ve bookmarked. I check in, follow your narrative, and remember your history. Thank you for still coming by every so often to check in on me too.

Hooray for the Internet! I say hooray.

24 thoughts on “Mighty Girl’s Quince

  1. 15 years seems just nearly the longest possible measure of Internet time. Had the Internet crust even cooled? Happy anniversary. Your blog is still one of my regular places to visit.


  2. Hooray for you! I’ve been following your blog since I first moved to San Francisco. I can’t remember how I found you, but have memories of checking in from my tiny apartment on Haight Street. It’s been so great following your life. Thank you for looping us in.


  3. My husband and I met through Diaryland. We each kept journals there and happened upon each back in the stone ages of the Internet. Ahh how the times have changed.
    Congrats on the Quince. Are you buying a fancy dress and getting a big cake?


  4. I don’t remember how I found your blog, but it’s always a friendly spot to visit. And then there was that one time I drunkingly spotted you outside of Grubstake and felt like I’d just met a celebrity. And you were so kind to me. Blogging rules. Congrats.


  5. You have a wonderful way of making us all feel in on it. I love that everyone is included and encouraged in this space. We had a brief interaction when you posted my work on mighty goods many years ago, and it remains a highlight of my former life/career. Please don’t stop sharing here!


  6. Happy blog birthday! Wow, I remember that blogspot blog, and when you finally put up a picture so people could find you at a conference. It felt daring; I actually remember thinking, “She’s brave!”

    Can’t believe it’s been so long. I wonder what the Internet will look like after the next 15 years.


  7. You inspired my various incarnations of my Life List and the blogs I have created to track my progress. I’ve loved reading about your adventures and appreciated your willingness to share.

    Happy 15!!! Looking forward to 15 more years!


  8. Happy blogiversary!

    You were one of the online personalities who inspired me to blog, and to continue to blog-on despite various hurdles and life challenges I came upon.

    Somehow writing about it made it better and helped me find a way through.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  9. Happy Anniversary! I’ve followed you for years enjoying especially your Hank posts, as our boys are almost the same age. You were the first resource I checked when I found out I was going to San Francisco. Keep doing what you’re doing! And thanks for sharing it with us.


  10. I’ve been lurking for, oh, ten years. Is that creepy? Anyway, I agree and wanted you to know. It’s a nice place! Hooray! Thanks for all the fun!


  11. I’ve followed you for years, and you even linked to my old site once or twice. You’re corner of the interwebs is always a happy place to visit – congratulations on 15 years! Keep shining your light!


  12. Happy anni! Quince is a big deal (and one of my favorite cheese plate companions!)

    I found you because of Evany, way back in her Chick Click days. That must have been 2003, so it’s been quite awhile.

    I started a Life List because of you. We briefly met at the Anthology Mag launch, and you were poised and kind and I was so glad that you were so great in person. I joined Go Mighty, which provided me with some marvelous experiences I wouldn’t have had otherwise.

    I’m very glad we’re on each other’s radar. Congrats on the accomplishment, and thank you for all you do.


  13. I remember those Twitter length posts with no pictures. Blogging was just a small town then. Everybody mentioned everybody else’s blog. I still follow a bunch of you pioneer types.


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