Here’s to Simple Toasts

I love people who always have a toast at ready. I’ve been collecting favorites over the years. For a short wedding toast, or to wrap up a long one, “May you grow old on one pillow.” Over drinks I like to say, “Here’s mud in your eye!” I think because my grandma said it? No idea.

For dinner, I like, “May you never go to hell, but be always on your way.” or “Here’s to those who’ve seen us at our best and seen us at our worst and can’t tell the difference.”

Is this just an Irish thing, or do you have a favorite toast too? Is it because you’re Irish? Either way, spill.

31 thoughts on “Here’s to Simple Toasts

  1. My friend will always cheers a round of shots with: “Here’s to the men that we love, and here’s to the men that love us. If the men that we love aren’t the men that love us then screw the men and here’s to us!”


  2. the Irish have them tied up for bests HANDS DOWN, but then like good jokes I can never remember them, so I will now make a note of these. love the best/worst one!! the Italians (I am one half of each, nope not feisty at all) have a great one, “Cent’anni” which simply means, “One hundred years.” It’s tender and simple and celebratory, and easy to remember! I gave the toast at my Italian grandmother’s 90th and ended it with this. ❤


  3. A little naughty: “Here’s to fire: not the kind that brings down shacks and shanties, but the kind that brings down slacks and panties.”


  4. “May your well never run dry.”

    “A speedy calm to life’s storms.”

    “May your daughter’s beauty be admired by everyone in the circus.”


    “Brevity is the soul of wit.” (DRINK)


  5. I’ve used this for farewell toasts, birthdays, and weddings, but I think it is pretty universal! “Cherish your friends (and family), stay true to your principles, live passionately fully and well”


  6. for years, my husband has used, “we may not get what we want, but we get what we need, and thank god we don’t get what we deserve.”


  7. Once I’ve had a few I always raise my glass and yell “To Lewis & Clark!” Maybe because I live in Missouri? I dunno, but it happens.

    Nicole B.


  8. I’m always sentimental if I’m giving a toast. My standby is, “There are good ships, there are wood ships, there are ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, and may they always be.” Sappy, but if I’m giving a toast, I’m probably already a few in…


  9. When I’m giddy, I like to say, “Here’s to a warm and crispy slice of bread – a toast!’ More often though, we say it short and sweet with “Santé!” which is, ‘to your health’ in French.


  10. The first toast at all our family gatherings is, “To those who are absent” or “To absent members.” I love that. The second toast is generally “To the cook” but you pronounce it kook. The youngest generation is usually eager to deploy that one so it brings them into the tradition.


  11. The first toast at any dinner with my parents or sibs is “[our Last Name]’s rule!” I don’t remember how it started, but it’s a longstanding tradition…to the point that, when I told friend who often ate with us that I was engaged, she said, “will you change your name? What about the toast?”


  12. My Dad always toasts every easter and Christmas dinner with “To absent friends!”

    My BFF and I regularly toast with “To fresh ingredients, and a juicy life!” It’s a bit of a joke from when we were in our late teens and rather drunk! 10 years later, we still use it and smile. 🙂


  13. My Sicilian grandpa used to say before every family dinner: “Whoever eats the fastest, gets the mostest.” Probably because we were a huge family and this is completely true. I like to trot this one out sometimes.


  14. Me and my goofball friends used to say “Here’s to good friends…tonight is kinda special” which I believe is from an old beer commercial or something.


  15. All of my toasts are dirty, but since you asked, my top two are:

    “Here’s to nipples. Without them, breasts would be pointless.”

    and my favorite:

    “Here’s to the men that we love,
    and here’s to the men that love us.
    And if the men that we love don’t love us,
    then fuck ’em and here’s to us.”

    Cheers to you!


  16. A fave of my late mother’s went:
    Here’s to you and here’s to me
    May we never disagree
    But should we do
    To hell with you
    Here’s to me!

    I love the “Here’s to us” rendition of this mentioned in the comments too.
    I’m writing these all down.


  17. I think we’ll have to start using the “To those who are absent!” I LOVE that one. But my GO-TO wedding toast is “May all of your tomorrows be even happier than today.” My brother made that toast at our wedding (16 years ago) and I’ll never forget it.


  18. Here’s one for breakups, new jobs, colleague farewells, etc.:

    May those who love us, love us. Those who don’t love us, may God turn their hearts. And if He cannot turn their hears, may He turn their ankles, so we’ll know them by their limping.

    An Irish classic. I’m from Boston, we’ve got loads! 😉


  19. Th Irish do seem to have the best toasts. One learned from my mom, last name Kinahan, that I love for weddings and romantic moments:
    Here’s to your roof, may it be well thatched,
    And here’s to all underneath, may they be well matched.


  20. I (and most of my friends) have stolen a toast from my not-ex-boyfriend (poly is the reason for “it’s complicated” on facebook, whee): “To madness!” When we’re feeling particularly mature, we all add “and the music we wrestle from it.”

    You can never go wrong with “Slàinte.”

    I’m also a fan of “May none of your mistakes be regrets.” That one’s particularly well suited to tequila shots.


  21. Kicking and Screaming fans will appreciate my friend who always toasts “to life after college!”.

    My current favorite is from another movie and spoken by Paul Rudd in that movie: “to people who make toasts!”.


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