Beard Porn: Hell Yeah, Beards of Seattle

A few weeks ago, I tagged along on Mai’s trip to Seattle and helped her stop bearded men in the street (and in coffee shops, and in record stores) to take their photos.

Hell Yeah, Beards of Seattle is the brother site to Hell Yeah, Beards of Reykjavik, which Mai started on a whim.

Right now, she’s in Brooklyn looking for boys with facial hair. Weirdly, Mai does not have a beard thing? She just finds this amusing. But if you have a beard thing? Jackpot.

11 thoughts on “Beard Porn: Hell Yeah, Beards of Seattle

  1. I never had a beard thing before I started dating my current paramour, but now I definitely have a beard thing. I’m surprised he didn’t end up on here, actually, we live in Seattle, he’s gorgeous, and has super fabulous facial hair.. Which is why you definitely need to hit me up next time you’re in town… šŸ™‚


  2. if mai wants to see a norwegian with a fuzzy ginger beard in brooklyn I might be able to broker a hook up. he is after all one of my favorite norwegians who rocks a beard and I am sure he would be up for it. (and I am a currently displaced Seattleite :))


  3. I didn’t have a beard thing, but I think maybe I do now.

    She should get together with the Aussie band “The Beards”. Give a listen to their 80’s-homage catchy tune “You Should Consider Having Sex with a Bearded Man”. It’s as funny as it sounds.


  4. Yay! for Brooklyn Beards. Though I am a clearly bias as my husband has a superb beard and we live in Brooklyn.

    Tell Mai to wander around Prospect Heights! Maybe she’ll run into my bearded dude.


  5. you know, if Mai wants to see some serious beards, she should travel south to Asheville, NC. I miss the beards when I’m traveling away from home. šŸ™‚


  6. Forget beard porn, how about smile porn? I have never seen such a kind, joyful smile as that on the middle fella above.


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